Be an Artistic Martyr and Live Forever

If you have an idea, use it, develop it, believe in it, go for it and above all, don’t let anyone hold you back, don’t wait and don’t care what anyone says about it. Failure is the easiest thing to achieve; it comes from neglecting your calling. Success comes from placing yourself on the sacred altar of sacrifice for a higher good. You can waste your life looking at a glass with no water in it or you can fill it. Overfill it.

Part of creating something new is creating the process it takes to create it. Those solutions will only be discovered through your own exploration and experimentation.

The world needs the wisdom, the mistakes, the successes and the failures you experience on the way to creating your art in order to become richer in understanding.

The world needs to laugh at you, it needs to cry for you, it needs to be amazed by you and it needs to cut you to pieces for having even tried. That is your destiny as a creative artist. You are an artistic martyr on the quest for a higher purpose.

As I sit and gaze over the sunset-drenched fields, I see a day ending, the possibilities for a new beginning veiled by the sinking sun.

The birds chant a bit, the wind teases the branches of the leafy boughs and all is hush with the resting day. 

Life exudes from every inch of soil, it is bursting forth on this early summer evening.

Life wants so very much to live.

I am eternally amazed by it.

We, as the heirs of this conscious creation, are called to burst forth with life. Like some seeds of creation, we do not always take root and grow into something living. Some of our ideas and dreams will land on a bare surface, incapable of enriching new life, and therefore will die. You as a creator must be very prolific if you are to carry your message forward. Litter the earth with your creations! Who knows which seed will grow into a beautiful flower; that is not for you to decide. Yours is to give your gift to a needy world. The more gifts you share with the world the more the universe will return
to you other gifts. That is a truly divine compensation plan. That is creating art.

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