Getting Ahead Is The Art Of Being Proactive

The Art of Being Proactive

Mastering the art of being proactive is easy.  It brings peace into your life.  It is the antidote for procrastination.  The art of being proactive is the golden key to freedom.  But most of all being proactive is a natural law of the universe. It is the initial push in life that determines what follows.  Otherwise, life is spent reacting to life and not creating it.

Freedom is the result of art of being proactive

There is a simple principle that holds true in life and it proves that the art of being proactive is all important.  Sleep is a proactive activity but many use sleep as a drug. This idea is a basic principle in life that determines how your life is going to be.  The fact is, sleep is a proactive activity.  Without sleep you are tired and without energy.  In order to function at all you must have had slept.  However, people look forward to sleep because it relieves them of their fatigue or the stress in life.  This seems like a small point, but it is a very important point.  If you sleep because you are tired, you are living life in a deficit mentality. If you sleep because you want to be strong and feel good then you are living in a profit mentality. The same goes with food. If you eat before you get hungry, you are eating to provide nutrition and energy to your body and mind so that you can remain effective, that is a profit mentality. If you eat because you feel weak, are hungry or to relax, then you are suffering from a deficit mentality.

The art of being proactive is a natural law.

Nothing functions well in deficit. Everything flourishes in plenty. the art of being proactive is the most important art to master in life, because it is in line with the natural course of life.

I came upon this today because I realized that I hadn’t posted on my blog for several days, due to the fact that I have been moving house. Before you know it, 3 days have passed and I haven’t blogged and daily blogging is the core of what we do here.  But, you can blog in advance and stay ahead of the game, and that is what I have come to realize.  Blogging everyday is a challenge, because to be quite honest about it, I don’t really like staring at a computer screens everyday. So, the best way to blog is to stay ahead of it by writing drafts a 5 days in advance, or if you want to go on vacation for six weeks, 6 weeks of blogs in advance, then all you have to do on that day is log in and publish!  That gives you freedom!

It is the same with anything. If you are using credit cards as credit cards that is a losing game.  If you use a credit card as a debit card, that is the principle of plenty. You put money into your credit card account before you go spend it.  This way you can get miles every time you buy something, but it didn’t cost you anything to earn them. As Warren Buffet said, ”Never lose money.”

Mastering the art of being proactive is absolutely the only way to exist because practicing the art of procrastination cannot serve you. Being proactive means filling the water glass so you can drink from it so you won’t get thirsty, procrastination is when someone is thirsty and then tries to find a glass of water to drink.

It is a simple concept, but 98% of the population are not living a proactive life. I remember when I was playing junior high football.  The idea back then was that a good way to condition the players was to run them till they dropped without giving them water, that this would somehow aid in their endurance. This sounds ridiculous today because everyone knows that dehydration is not something that can be conditioned. The body doesn’t work like that. The body cannot function in deficit it can only function in plenty, and you can only have plenty if what is required is provided before it is needed.

So, that is my installment for today! To find out more about this incredible platform, company and empowered mentality, click here and enter your email address. Be proactive and start now to discover the genius of this opportunity. It is a part of the process!

Get ahead of the game, master the art of being proactive!



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