People Join Things: Clubs and Subscriptions And Pay Dues

Joining Things That Make You Money

People are always joining things that cost them money. People pay for things on a monthly basis that provide a service or is a useful organization, but they all cost you money. Why not join something that makes you money?  That is a question I often ask people and I can’t for the life of me understand why that could possibly be a bad idea. With the Empower Network, joining it by becoming an affiliate is so easy, the products so powerful and the people in it so positive and supportive that if there was ever something to join that makes sense, it is the Empower Network. You aren’t committing your life to any sect or cult, you are simply connecting with empowered people who are excited about their own missions in life and are excited about yours too.

I grew up close to a private golf club.  I think the yearly dues are something like $2,000 plus a large upfront investment. Now, there are a lot of business people who have memberships and can use it to play on the course but many are private individuals who use the facility for their families. I figured it out, and I think over a 30 year period the total amount spent would be around $70,000, gone, to golf and swim. Now, it is a great thing to be a part of, but folks, why on earth would someone say yes to spending all of that money on losing money and say no to spending basically no money and making a lot of it in return?  I can’t for the life of me figure out why someone wouldn’t join the Empower Network.

Joining Things Is A Commitment to Yourself

I have never been one for joining things. In fact, the only things I have joined were things where I could make money. To me, it is the only thing that makes sense.  Now, I have internet and telephone subscriptions and pay rent and the rest of those types of things, but, joining a club or a website where I just pay out money, doesn’t make any sense to me at all. In addition, when you join something you make a commitment that you will actively participate in it.  With the Empower Network, you are joining a community and making a commitment to yourself to work the business, but no one expects anything of you, except that you do what you want to do. There is no pressure here at all.

This club is very all inclusive. Not only do you get the genius blogging system, but you also get the incredible training available to market anything you want online.  The value of this is way more than the price you pay for the products and the money you can make by sharing it with people is unlimited. Please see the income disclaimer at the bottom of the page, because just because you join doesn’t mean you will make money, you have to work to create sales, but it is very doable work. So, there is no guarantee of income.

Joining Things Is Not An Investment But It Can Be A Tax Deduction

Being in clubs and organizations can be a tax deduction if you have a business. That is one of the smartest things you can do, start a business, if for nothing more than reducing your taxes. Your Empower Network affiliate account is a business, so all expenses you have to promote your business can often be deducted from taxes.  We don’t do any business counseling or advising here so see your tax professional for more information.

I am inviting you to join the Empower Network, me and the team I am in called the Extreme Team.  All of this you get for $25 and the $19.95 per month fees. The Extreme Team is made up of leaders in the Empower Network making truly unbelievable income, and we offer an entire website of addition training to you for joining.  Plus there are daily, weekly calls, team events like the one in September in Nashville for additional training and the corporate events coming up in April.  So, when joining the Empower Network, you are getting in with a group of people destined to become millionaires, and all they want to do is to show you how to do what they do.

Joining things is a good idea, Joining the Empower Network is a great idea!


Empower Network

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