The Key to Defeating Boredom with Brilliance: Consistency and Repetition

The Key to Defeating Boredom with Brilliance is to practice often and repeat.

The major cause of boredom is consistency and repetition. People stay bored with themselves and their lives because that is what they are practicing consistently and repeatedly. 

Oddly enough, consistency and repetition are the keys for becoming brilliant and eliminating boredom from your life.

One of the greatest creators of boredom is school. Kids are forced into going every day for 12 years whether they like it or not. Now I realize school is a necessary thing, but what happens is that education is mostly training kids to be bored.

Lets face it, most of the teachers you have had are very forgettable. Only a few made you sit up and pay attention, not out of a negative threat, but because they captured your mind and imagination.

Learning is hard work. But learning can be an enjoyable thing when you get to actually enjoy what you have learned. But in school, you hardly ever appreciate what you have learned, nor make much effort to retain it. Why?  Because learning in school is based on making grades not on learning material.  So, the kid learns, takes a test, gets a grade and moves on. But I don’t remember any test giving me any personal satisfaction, usually it was a sigh of relief or anger at getting a low grade.

So, what needs to happen with boredom is that the consistency of repetitions must be directed at constructive activities which give you a feeling of confidence and happiness. Not dread or relief.

No matter where you look in the annals of success the major common denominator is that those people practice consistently and repeatedly the things they have to in order to become what they want to become.

Whatever the dream, the key to it coming true is to consistently do and repeat the actions required to make that dream come true.

For every day you miss, it takes a week to recover. So, do what you are driven to do, regardless of what outside forces may try to influence you to do.

Go forth and create!

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