Arrogant Rich People Or Just Normal Human Behavior?


Arrogant Rich People Or Just Normal Human Behavior?

Upon surfing the internet I came across this video about the mental attitudes people have at different levels of income.  Is it true that Arrogant Rich People behaved that way to become rich or did being rich cause them to behave that way?  I think it is an important point, because the popular belief is that you have to be somewhat of a jerk to become rich and thus rich people are often viewed this way.  But, is it a characteristic you have before you become rich, is that a personality trait necessary to become rich?  What this study shows is that no, you don’t have to have this attitude to become rich, but it is natural to develop these attitudes once you get the feeling you are.  Fascinating topic if you ask me.

Arrogant Rich People Is Human Nature

Arrogant rich people get on your nerves.  I remember visiting Montauk Beach for a week years ago, and this was the first time in my life I had ever been exposed to ”old” money. Now, I am not going to generalize, but I was shocked at the behavior of these obviously wealthy group of people, especially the kids of this sector of society.  It was disturbing how they treated the people working in shops and restaurants and their attitude with other people was a general lack of respect for anyone else.  I am stating it mildly here, but their behavior was nothing like I had ever witnessed before.

Even back then, years ago, I asked myself the question if having money made you that way or did you have to be that way to get money?  The question came to mind because these kids obviously had done nothing to get the money they had, but yet acted as if the world belonged to them.  I wondered if their parents were the same way, because I couldn’t see these kids ever doing anything worth while in life. They were only concerned with looking cool and having the latest stuff. I thought that there is no way I want money if it means becoming like these arrogant rich people.

Arrogant Rich Behavior Is Predictable

So the question remains, are arrogant rich people simply a reflection of normal human behavior?  This video with it’s study from Cal-Berkeley would suggest that yes, it is normal human behavior.  As demonstrated in the video, the behaviors of the test candidates revealed that no matter who was playing which role, the rich or the poor, all acted the same way.  Those who became rich in monopoly were more likely to lie, cheat and steal than those who were poor, who tended to be more caring of others, nice and giving.

The point made is quite alarming.  ALL humans are likely to become arrogant and selfish once they get rich even if they didn’t have those qualities on the road to getting there. So, beware, when you get rich you just may become the arrogant rich and not even realize what is happening to you. According to this study, it is human nature.

This leads us a bit back to the Bible because of the Christian views about being rich, and it seems to hold true for this story.  If becoming rich means turning into a jerk, is it really worth it?  The truth is, money has nothing to do with it.  It has to do with being in control of your behavior and always knowing that one’s connection to the spiritual world keeps you in the right spirit in the real world.

Making money is a good thing and being a jerk is not a necessary quality to make it. In fact, usually people aren’t jerks when they are in the process of doing it.  When you see people like Donald Trump you see an arrogance that is annoying and think, that in order to make money you have to be like that. But, no you don’t.  You just need to be aware that money has an effect on our behavior and to make sure we keep our attitudes healthy as we gain material wealth.  Don’t turn into an arrogant rich person, get rich – stay humble.  That is a true sign of greatness.

To learn how to make money blogging and changing your financial future to the better without becoming a jerk click here to find out more about this amazing business.  Not being a wussy includes not becoming one of the arrogant rich.

Couldn’t help myself….enjoy!


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