Be Positive Or Zip It!



I’m not big on TV Evangelists nor do I think much of religions as a general rule, mostly because they are often very negative in their method, but this message by Joel Osteen is positive and enlightening.

Sometimes it seems like everything coming at me is negative, my parents, my peers, my occupation, my country, speaking disempowering things to me and of course I do my own share of disempowering speech as well, mostly to myself. So, to be positive in this environment of negative rhetoric from all sides is difficult.

Faith Is The Only Way To Be Positive

My father was talking about the national debt, the budget deficit, the health care issue and ”rich people” the other day. I have asked him to stop talking about this stuff all of the time and his answer was, ”It is the truth!”

Well, it is only a half truth. There are more truths out there and honestly, I am not hearing those spoken from most people these days.  We live in a world of freedom and plenty, we are well fed, have great living conditions and all of the football games we could ever want to watch, without having to get out of the chair to change channels. We have pension plans, social security and health insurance, the best health care anywhere and loved ones surround us. How about those truths?

Even with the negative stuff happening in the world, speaking about them all of the time and complaining about how awful everything is will not bring any relief. What are the answers? What are the solutions?  I don’t know! I’m not sure anyone does. Only faith can provide the answers, because what we believe will deceive us.

Be Positive And Live In Faith

Faith is the evidence of things unseen and the hope of things to come. Faith isn’t based in that which is in the real world, it is based in what exists in the spirit world, the world where all things are possible, the source of dreams without which they couldn’t come true.

We chose to go to the moon, and didn’t know how that was going to be done. They could have found a million reasons how and why it couldn’t be done, but because someone stood up in faith and said the words with power those barriers vanished and a new hope was born, not only of space travel but of the human spirit.

Even the disaster of Vietnam didn’t stop the progress, but nothing tore down all of the positive hope of a new age more than that war did. It only takes a little poison to taint all of the water.

We are imbedded in negativity today and the media loves it. Politicians harp on the evil of the opposition and the entire climate is negative when you dwell in that world of darkness.

I simply cannot function that way. Thank goodness for the positive elements in society, they help me see that is right to speak positive and keep moving forward in faith.  The Empower Network is a very positive force in my life and people like Joel Osteen are forces of good in the world. Yes they make money, and yes that is a good thing. It is high time the positive forces in the world made money, because the highest need in our society today is a rich spirit led by faith and the can do mentality.

These are the attitudes I want in my life, the positive message of faith. Be positive or zip it!

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