Businesses Have Different Advantages

In Network Marketing the choice is vast and every business has a different advantage

Looking for a network marketing business is usually not something that people do. Now, for people who have been dabbling in it for a while may actually go and look for one but mostly people are introduced to a company through an associate of that company. After all, that is how it is designed to work. 

It is not at all uncommon for people to go from company to company trying to find one that ”they can do.” The issue is never whether a company is good or not, the real factor in an associates success is themself. 

However, different companies have certain characteristics that will be better for a certain type of person than others. Some of it is based on the product, some on the compensation plan, some on the people that are in the company and the culture of that company, how they do business and can you do business that way. 

For instance, there is an opportunity that is a straight forward affiliate program that pays out 10% on the sale of it’s product, and the associate earns 10% of all sales produced in his organization. With the introductory product that goes 5 levels deep, over time, you can build a large organization because the product is virtual and is really simple…website, emails, and services. The kicker is it is very inexpensive. So anyone really can afford it. Sell ten and you are in profit. Pretty simple.

This niche of business is just like any other niche

Business people often ‘buy’ businesses to build and then sell them. Associates in affiliate and network marketing can do the same thing. Actually, business people who own the entire company do this. There is a saying in business, everything can be bought and sold for a price. 

For instance, a business man could purchase a car wash on a busy road, spruce it up a bit and get the business into profit and have a nice stream of income from that business. Building it over time, the income increases to the point where the value of the business is worth a certain amount more than he bought it for and he sells it to another business owner for a profit. 

Businesses are bought and sold the world over every day. These businesses are no different. You can sell your business to someone who is willing to buy your position in a company. 

Lets say you are making 5,000 dollars a month and have an organization of 3000 people in your downline and it is growing at a steady rate. You can sell it or will it to other people. The business math here is that a company is worth 5 times of it’s yearly revenue. So at 60,000 dollars a year income, doing the math this way, you could sell it for $300,000 dollars. For the buyer that is a windfall, at a 20% return on his investment, that is something a lot of people would be willing to do. 

I have not looked into this aspect of network marketing but know that it does happen and I think as it becomes more and more sophisticated you will see business owners buying and selling their downlines. It is a great business, no employees, no brick and mortar and all profit, no expense. 

Here is the question, would a bank loan someone money to buy such a position in a business that has a 20% return on the investment and can be paid off in a reasonably short amount of time? I think so. 

The positive behind someone buying into a company like this is that it gives that downline a new energy and gives the person selling it money to begin a new business and not be tempted to take the team with him, which is not ethical and would probably be stipulated in the contract. 

Back to the topic at hand….

If you are not a health nut and don’t understand much about nutrition then it makes no sense to try and sell vitamins. For instance, women who like and use a lot of makeup, it makes sense for them to sell makeup. 

But, as we all know, business doesn’t necessarily succeed because of the product or it’s quality, business succeeds mostly on the merits of it’s ability to earn money. Profitability is the main factor. 

Profitability is what businesses in the niche network marketing stress in their compensation plans. They set up their compensation plans to give associates different ways to earn money when they do different things to grow their business. These include a commission on the first sales, commission when their team duplicates, commissions when they reach a certain level of sales, rewards and perkes when they perform at a certain level. 

Incentives and bonuses are a big part of business motivation and these business owners hold a certain amount of cash in the drawer for these ”extras”.  They are paid for by the associates performance. 

The company must make money and stay in the black in order for it to be healthy financially. 

So, what does this mean for the associate looking for a company and product line to promote? 

They want to be able ot earn income as quickly as possible, for the lowest amount of money and be able for that business to duplicate and grow, a lot of that will depend on the quality and attractiveness of the product, but mostly it will depend on whether the person sees that they can earn on the sale of the products. 

With the Empower Network, they address these issues in a facinating way. The 100% commission payout is pure genius, the pass up compensation plan is fabulous, and the fact that you can begin at a low price makes it a no brainer. Add in the upsale possibilities and with the sale of one product a month you can earn a living income is pretty compelling. Not to mention the fact that it teaches you where and how to get prospects and convert them in the process. 

It is an income factory. Education, tools and a compensation plan with a team culture that encourages individuality instead of conformity all make the Empower Network unique in the marketplace. 

Just do it! Click on the banner to the right, enter your email and watch the presentation…then get in and get started. 1,2,3.



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