Conquering the Resistance to Sales

Much of what holds people back

is their resistance to sales

I was playing a board game the other day and we were asked to mention the topic we wanted to think about during the game.  I decided to pick the topic to improve my skill at being a sales person.

Well, this caused a lot of disturbance at the table for some reason and one woman said, ”Why do you want to do that? I don’t like people selling me things. They are pushy and want to sell me something just so they can make money.”

Of course!  This is the entire problem, isn’t it? Sales is a topic that ignites a lot of passion in our society mostly because there is the wrong perception of sales and a lot of that is because of a lot of bad sales being practiced over the long haul of time. 

There are several things I believe need to made clear about sales and the ability to sell which most people aren’t aware of.

The only way money is generated in the world is through sales.

First of all, nothing costs what it costs because of what it is, things cost what they cost because people have to get paid to make it available. From the people who get the raw materials together to the stock room clerk who sells the final product, everyone on the line of production gets paid. This is one aspect of the value of something.

Supply and demand also affect the cost of things, because if it is rare it means it is difficult to produce and a lot of people want it. Low cost items are easy to create and can be sold to a lot of people easily. So, those things will cost less.

Most people go to work to make money. I never did, really. I always worked because I enjoy working. Regardless of what it was, working was always fun for me, even if sometimes going to work got on my nerves, once I was there I was fine.

But the reality is, if you work for money you will be limited in how much you can make. After all, there are only 24 hours in a day.

If you can sell things, then you can earn a fortune. Especially today, with the internet, you can sell 24/7/365 and earn profits and commissions without working. It is a matter of getting things set up.

But, you still have to get past the idea that selling things to people is evil.

The profit or commissions made from sales is what makes the economy work. Business must make a profit to stay in business, otherwise it is not a good business. Nobody can afford to do anything unless they have the money to do it with. That is just the way it is.

Personally, I like to know that the person I am buying from is going to make a commission on something I buy from them, because I want them to succeed.  Zig Ziglar made the comment that the value of the sale is definitely on the side of the buyer.  The sales person has most likely spent the commission they made on the product by the end of the month, but the customer has the use of the product indefinitely.

Professional behavior is required to be a good sales person.

What is professional sales behavior?  Well, first of all the number one law of sales is to identify people who want and need your product or service and not try to sell to people who don’t want or need it. Probably the most offensive behavior a salesperson can make is to try and convince someone they want or need something that they don’t. Instead they should find out by asking questions, and if they can’t provide something they want, then they point them into the direction of someone who can. That is professional behavior.

Professional sales people follow up with people to make sure that the customer is being serviced well and to keep the line of communications open.

I’ll tell you the truth right now, whoever is trusted as a sales person will have customers forever. People are so happy to know a business person who is honest and knows that they are not being nice to you just to sell you something. 

When I think about that I am reminded of how my mother always almost worshiped good sales people in town. She was the most loyal customer anywhere and she would pay extra just because she liked and trusted them. But, if you tried to sell my Mom something she didn’t want, she would never speak to you again. It was amazing.

Reminding myself that being a good sales person

is a valuable and rare skill in our society.

Persuasion, influence and sales are powerful skills to possess and people are wary of people who possess these skills. Therefore it is important to strive to have these qualities but it is also important to use these skills for the common good, and not just to get what you want.

What are the sales catch phrases?  ”Find a need and fill it.” ”Give them what they want.” ”The customer is always right.” ”The Golden Rule: Whoever has the gold makes the rules.” or ”Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

The truth is, the vast majority of people are not business people. They do not understand business, and admittedly I am just beginning to understand it. So, the professional sales person must compensate for the public’s lack of skill in this area. A professional salesperson is a teacher, they explain things, they ask questions and they serve the customer in their best interest. Above all, a salesperson’s reputation is everything.

When considering the field of network marketing, what you have is a lot of amateurs trying to make sales, and it causes a mess. Admittedly, I have been clumsy in this way as well. It gives the profession a bad name. Some people in the business are unprofessional on purpose, because all they care about is getting the sale and this is the worst thing they can do for the business.

Being a professional means believing in your product or service and that it is good for people who want or need it, and believing in yourself that you know you are doing everything with the highest level of integrity.

Being a professional salesperson and a person who possesses the skills of persuasion, influence and closing is one of the most valuable qualities in the world. Do it with pride and with care.

In the end, nothing happens unless something is sold. Move courageously into the future! Become a professional!

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