Defending Your Personal Freedom Takes A Strong Armor Of Resolve

Defending Personal Freedom

Today we have so many freedoms to do what we want to do and live the life we want to live.  There are many who don’t feel free because of interference from outside like the government, religious pressures, social pressures, family pressures and financial pressures.  The outside world requires a lot from us and it also seems to want to control what you do and how you want to do it.  I’m not suggesting any chaos theories or anti-establishment movements or any political or religious views to be defiled.  No I am talking about defending personal freedom so that one can live the life they are happy with.

Your Dreams Can Come True Through Defending Personal Freedom

“Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life.” 
― Bob Marley

How do you best fight for your freedom?  By not being imprisoned by your own thoughts.  That seems a bit strange, but if you will, watch this video from the TV Series ”Kung Fu” where he helps a fellow captive endure being held in a steel hut as punishment. Skip forward to 1:30 and watch for about a minute.


 “You are not within a prison, the prison is within you….can you believe that?´´

The art of Kung Fu is all about inner strength, flexibility and rolling with the punches, but mostly about survival and never being imprisoned by anyone or anything else.  It is a type of self-defense and the first line of defense is your own thinking.  Often we are not aware that it is our thinking that keeps us from being free, but in fact, it is the first thing that imprisons us.

So defending personal freedom begins with standing up to your own limiting thoughts about your life and yourself.  We are born free, and are taught to be imprisoned by everything outside of ourselves.  Those who go and try to claim their freedom are often ridiculed for doing so.  Anyone who wants to be different will face attack by others, because they are jealous and want to keep people in the prison with them, even if they don’t realize it is that way. People mean well, but are often mean in the act of trying to do good.  Knowing that makes it difficult for the freedom seeker to defend themselves, because they know that those who would limit them aren’t doing it out of knowledge but out of ignorance.

The Guarantee Of Defending Personal Freedom

The United States constitution is a document written to outline the rights and freedoms of the individual.  The concentration of the document concerns itself with the idea that every person has the right to be free and to do and say whatever they want, without destroying the rights of his fellow man. The fact is that being free is not all that simple.  Everyone wants to be free, but few have the ability to achieve it.  Defending personal freedom is being able to make your own money, doing what you love doing, being where you want to be and being responsible to be in charge of your matters.  That takes a lot of work.  Those actions are also acts of defending personal freedom, because if you can’t take care of your own matters then your right to do so will be taken away from you.

All people are given the freedom to pursue happiness in life.  That can come in many forms and we must all find a way where we feel comfortable getting out of life what we want, for ourselves and for others.  But, no one can be free unless they know that the prison they are in is inside themselves and that the only way out of that prison is to set yourself free from your own thought prison.  Then you have to defend yourself against the world that would have you conform to it’s ways.  Breaking free of those two elements is not easy, but it is worth it.

To express what you feel and think is a great way to free yourself from the bondage of silence.  Learn how to express yourself here with this blog and how this can set your free in life.  It is worth it!

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