Emotional Moments in Life: Moving House

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsM7kFLA0jg?rel=0&wmode=transparent&autoplay=0]

Moving House is Very Emotional

I have moved pretty often during the course of my life.  Moving house causes emotions to run high.  As I stand in front of another big move I am feeling the confusing signals my insides are sending me.  The rationale tells you that moving is a strong action in the direction of improvement in some area.  Things are about to get better and the possibilities grow.  You get excited about being in a different place, meeting people and spending time doing some different things.

Trans-Atlantic – Overseas Moving is Different From Domestic

I have made 3 Trans-Atlantic moves so far.  Each one was very emotional.  It is difficult enough to move to another part of a country but moving to another part of the world means that everything in your world changes.  The culture, friends, colleagues and languages create a different environment for your body, mind and spirit to adjust to.  Of course that can be a good thing.  Breaking old patterns to create better ones.

In speaking with a German woman who had married an American soldier after World War II and had lived in the States for 50 years, I told her I was thinking that moving back to the states and she looked at me with big eyes and serious expression, almost like the voice of the ages said, ”Das kann man nicht.”  ”One cannot do it.”  She said that she realized her entire life was based, for better or worse, in the states and she had no more connections with people or family in Germany.  It is no longer home.

Moving Back Home

My parents need help, my help.  I need their help.  It is a good solution.  Moving  back home and to live with the folks for a while is commonly seen as failure in one own’s life.  That is a big part of the problem with moving back home, ”what will people think?”  To be living under the roof of your parents for a period of time will be challenging, to think otherwise is both unrealistic and untrue.  It will be difficult.  To give up all of the things I have grown comfortable with and being around the people I have gotten to know well and love out of a common experience and ”Verwandte Seele”. (Soul Mates, in the non-romantic sense)

But, the value for me is going to be concentrated on spending a lot of time with my family, my parents and get back with some of the people who have meant a lot to me in the past, those who have known me before my European Odyssey. I left home in 1984 and since then have seen my parents only briefly on trips home. Every vacation included going home, which in all honesty, is not really vacation.  The guy who leaves home always has to be the one who travels to see people and leaving again is pre-programmed, stirring emotions and you are never really there because you always know you must leave again.

Even with this move, I know that I will be moving again.  How many more moves must I make before I come to rest and know I am home.  The nature of my career is one of travel and being in other places and that is a wonderful aspect of singing, being an author and entrepreneur, but to have a life it is necessary to have a place to come home to that you feel is truly yours, not one you are renting from someone else, but a place where you can put a nail in the wall and hang pictures, install fixtures and mold your environment to fit what makes you feel at home.

I will be moving home, to base my life there, for financial and legal reasons mostly, and I will get to Europe and Germany often, even spend more time there than in the states, but, my legacy really must be built in Kentucky.

I’m not sure how I feel about that to be honest. I’m not quite right with it yet. This move is out of necessity and a desire to get things right. I will take Empower with me, and build this no matter where I am.  That is the beauty of it, to be where you want and need to be when you need and want to be there, Empowering you to be all you can be.



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