A Powerful Book About Getting Stronger In Yourself

Strength is not an option. It is a necessity!
  1. Strong and Fearless by Dr. Phil Neurnberger

    This book is a guide for self mastery. It deals with the skills we need to develop to become strong people. His explanations, exercises and suggestions on how to get help to do this are based upon a life long mission to become stronger.

    The skill set he suggests are through practicing yoga, meditation and the martial arts on a daily basis. Strength is achieved only by the practice of getting stronger. It is a ”Quest” not a destination.

    If there is a better book on the subject I’d like to see it.

    Everything we do in life is done on a path, it is never a destination, and while we may not be strong yet, we can be strong now by practicing today and every day what strong people practice.

    I know that sounds a little odd, but the truth is, we are what we practice every day. We cannot be what we are tomorrow.

    People talk about the success books, about building character through the lens of success, but really, nobody teaches these most important life skills as a way to master the here and now and become a powerful and strong human, free of fear.

    This book is a direct and well thought out book, making you want to master yourself and therefore master the world.

    Let me share with you why this is important in our lives.

    I was watching a presidential debate, and the moderator asked the question, ”Do you believe that God can move mountains?” It was a question to the candidates spiritual beliefs in whether they believe in God or not. (Personally, I don’t agree with this baiting type of question, because the constitution protects the freedom of religion and I feel like this question sort of hinders that when you are referring to a presidential candidate. Politics shouldn’t be about religion….anyway)

    But, the question reminded me of the scene in the movie ”The Matrix” where Keanu Reeves comes into the room and there is a boy sitting on the floor bending a spoon by looking at it. He tries it himself and is able to bend the spoon as well.

    Reeves asks the boy how that is possible, and he says, ”the spoon didn’t bend, you bent it in your mind.” or something like that.

    This is what moving mountains is all about. It isn’t about the mountains, it is about us inside that makes it possible to move mountains in our world because we know that the object can have no effect on us, but that our mind makes it so.

    So, can God move mountains? The answer is yes. I heard someone say once that you can’t believe in God, unless you can believe in yourself, and really, isn’t that what God is, the indomitable spirit inside us?

    The point is, being strong is not an achievement, it is a way of life, and life is what we make it with our minds, and with our actions every single day.

    So, learning the skills presented in this book are life skills that can help us in everything we do.

    You can buy it using the link below, it will take you to my Website and on to Amazon.

    Click Here to Learn More About Strong and Fearless by Dr. Phil Neurnberger

Getting stronger is what the Inner Circle is all about. It is a daily practice of listening to good and empowering input that cultivates us inside.

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