Knock, Knock, Knock… nobody is home.

Where are you?

To do anything well, it is helpful if you are doing it all of the time. Consistency is one of the most important factors in doing anything well. Being accountable, being where people can find you and knowing that when someone wants to see you they can, because the bottom line is…

…when someone comes knocking a couple of times and you aren’t there, they will stop coming to knock. 

Blogging is like this. Consistency is everything in blogging, not only because the search engines like consistency, your skills improve when you do it regularly but most of all, your readers count on you to be there. 

It is easy for distractions to get in the way and as much as people today say that reading online is a thing of the past, I still believe that the written word is important and more lasting than a video. Sure, for the first time visitor, videos keep them on the site longer. But for people interested in what you have to say, I think the written word is more important. 

We get talked at a lot today in the media and online, the talking head badgering your ears to quip quote their way into someone’s memory, to make an impression. I think videos are great, but personally, after a while I get tired of people talking at me through a video. I like audios and text more, unless the video has something to offer that is compelling to look at. 

If you want to get good at blogging, writing is still the skill, and will always be the skill to have. 

I hope you come back, I will do my best to be here everyday with something new, interesting and hopefully enlightening. 

Thanks for reading! 

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