People aren't without work as much as they are without a living income and…..

…the only way to solve that problem is for people to learn to make their own money.

You can get multiple jobs, run around town earning what others want to pay you, which is always the absolute minimum, and work yourself to death and maybe make enough money to cover your life expenses. The truth is, most people live at the maximum they are capable of on money being made from companies and organizations that are paying you the minimum possible. 

When I first went freelance in the music business in Germany, you get placed in that column of ”Arbeitslos” during the periods when you aren’t under a contract.  The truth is, I was working harder during those times than when I had a full time contract and wasn’t ”arbeitslos” and making more money in the process. 

So, ”arbeitslos” or ”without work” meaning ”jobless” is simply a term that denotes that you are not under contract or have a job with some entity.  It has nothing to do with income other than the fact that you get paid regularly, which is important to be able to financially plan your life. 

But, making money has nothing to do with working a job. Making money has to do with having the ability to create your own income.  

Admittedly not everyone can do it. Why?  Because it requires doing things that you don’t have to do when you are working a job. Stuff like actually producing a sale. 

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