Series: What is the Empower Network?

What is the Empower Network?

I would like to preface this series with saying that the main thing that attracted me to the Empower Network is that it fits perfectly into a project I started with the book I authored, Boredom to Brilliance. The idea with this book and the project is to show how people can lift themselves up through artistic expression and observation. The problem that most artists have is the business end of their high level of expertease. Without the ability to transform their art into a living income, it becomes very difficult to exist as an artist. So marketing is all important and today artists are blessed by the possibility to use the internet to leverage their art. Ergo, the Empower Network. Plus, by marketing the Empower Network, you can earn the income necessary to free yourself up to do your art. It was the answer to the problem I couldn’t solve in my book so my advice for people is, join the Empower Network and Empower Your Art and yourself as an artist.


When I first glimpsed the Empower Network I thought, like probably most people do when they first see it, “oh geez, another deal.” So I let time go by and slowly it became clear that the Empower Network is NOT just another deal.

But even the Empower Network folks have had difficulty defining what it actually is. So, I have done some thinking about it and have come up with some ideas about what the darn thing actually is.

I have chunked it down into different categories so that it may possibly be understandable. However, let me just place this in front of this list, a lot of people see it as “another deal.” There are definitely people in the niche of home business who run around looking for the next big deal, and I get that, hey, it is what a free country is all about. However, for me, I’m tired of the next “big deal mentality.” I want to build something of value that is the foundation of what I do. So, of all of the things I have been a part of in the realm of the “home based business” industry, the Empower Network is much more than “another deal.”

Here is my list: Taken from David Wood’s “Empower Hour Call” this week he defined the Empower Network as a “Culture”. What the Empower Network is doing is actually building a culture . So the following is a breakdown of what that means. Obviously this list isn’t by any means official, it is just my take on it right now.

  1. A place of Empowerment. 
  2. A “secret” society.
  3. A school and training for entrepreneurs of the next century. 
  4. A home.
  5. A place of business.
  6. A congregation.
  7. A mission.
  8. …oh yeah…and a way to make money.

For now, I think that list just about sums it up. 

In the coming days I will try and describe why these are unique in the market place and why I believe that the Empower Network will be one of the great compainies ever formed. 

There is something about a lack of a definition that gives the Empower Network the freedom to evolve and bloom as it goes. It doesn’t set limits on itself, nor does it set limits on it’s people. I see the Empower Network as a sort of expedition into a vast sea of possibilities not yet discovered and it’s lack of a single defining “product” opens up the possibilities for it to become a “living idea”.

A “living idea” grows, expands, multiplies and unifies. To avoid going too far, I suggest that it is something like the universe, which in itself is undefined but contains within it, all possibilities. 

But on the earthly level, a practical level, what you are doing in the Empower Network is learning how to build your business using techniques of internet marketing, network marketing, affiliate marketing, team building and of course marketing of any product you want. To learn this, you can begin by marketing the Empower Network product line. So, really it is a training program that gives you something to sell which can make a significant difference in your bank account.

Before closing, I must say that the company formed by David Wood and David Sharpe is a stroke of genius and I am grateful to them for not being Wussies and taking their dream of empowering people to live their best lives and making that a real institution.. That is “Badass” pure.

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