The Declaration of Independence: Intention and Justification To Separate Ties To Great Britain


Most U.S. Citizens have never read the constitution so here is a great way to read it!

The Declaration of Independence Written By A Mastermind Of Intelligent People

The great minds that forged the Declaration of Independence were taking great risks by writing this legendary text.   Obviously, the wording exceeds today’s watered down commoners English and may take a couple of readings to grasp the ideas within it’s lines.

It makes sense to take time to read it.  It is actually a simple document that states the reasons they are writing and acting on a Declaration of Independence, the fair attempts they had taken but were ignored by the King George III, a list of the many crimes committed against the Colonies and the total control of the King over all matters in lands far removed from his throne. The Declaration of Independence is also written in a bold tone in order to give energy to their cause and to rally support with the people.

Reading the Declaration of Independence

The Declaration of Independence is a legal document and like legal documents very wordy.  So for most people, just seeing that huge block of text intimidates people and it never gets read.  So a video of the text and a recording of it read to the listener/viewer aloud seems a great way to learn about it.

The discussion of ”All men are created equal” is often seen as a statement about race, and in part could very well be, but really what is meant is a comment on the Monarchy and the fact that people are either born into royalty or privilege or they are born as a commoner.  This statement makes the claim that all people are born equal and free and there is no predetermining factor about the possibilities that anyone has in life.  Everyone has a chance to be President, not just those born into privilege.

I was surprised by the language in reference to Indians and that attitude ended up costing the Indians their freedom.  So, the document has faults in it too and those weaknesses has caused a lot of suffering to a lot of people.

Today the Declaration of Independence Is Used To Threaten Authority

Many people like to take advantage of some of the words in the Declaration of Independence to defend something they are for, but it is without extensive knowledge or intelligence, if for no other reason than the fact that most people have never even bothered to read it.

Americans, and all people, have the right and the duty to become independent and free.  But this is not easily accomplished because most people are enslaved by their bank accounts and their jobs.  Getting free means working hard to earn it.  There are many ways to become financially free and they all have to do with work.  If you want to find a business that you can work on for yourself and with others then give this a look, it is worth the time and effort.


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