The Morning Sun: Rise and Meet the Day

Rise up and Meet the Day

Mornings are like unwrapping a present.  You don’t know what you are going to get and what you get is a beautiful surprise, a unique gift, a special prize and ultimately a new opportunity to create possibilities. 

There is no potential in the past and the future doesn’t exist. It is probably the most difficult concept to grasp in life.  Today is the only chance there is to do anything. 

In music, you can’t correct the notes already played and you can’t play the notes before you get to them, and all of it vanishes the moment it is created.  Music is the ultimate “Now” experience.  This is what makes making music so great. It brings you into the here and now and it is a wonderful place to be. 

You can lose yourself in music, but actually it isn’t losing yourself, it is about finding yourself.  You find that you have something to say, that your mind and body can work together in harmony to create beauty. You find that you can transfer your emotions into sound and express things that are not possible to express any other way.  

Music is a secret language. The player can express a certain meaning and the listener receives the message that they interpret for themselves, and although two completely foreign ideas are being created there is no disagreement, because it reaches us much deeper than the meaning of words could ever hope to describe.

Ultimately it is about being present in the sound, being in the here and now, rising up to meet the sun and living in the moment.  The greatest gift in life is being alive right now and it is our only opportunity to live. 

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