The Spirit Makes The Master


The WKU Motto is ”The Spirit Makes The Master”

I grew up with the Motto ”The Spirit Makes The Master” on the campus of Western Kentucky University where my father was a professor, my mother a secretary and I attended 1st and 2nd grade as well as my college days.  The topic of spirit and becoming a master at something are two things I have spent a lot of time pondering.

The topic has been a very broad one.  For me, as a kid who loved sports and music, it seemed that this motto meant that whoever has the most spirit, meaning enthusiasm and gusto, would win out over others with more capability, power and talent. Back in the day, the campus was beautiful, but it was a pretty small college and usually when we played the big land grant universities we wouldn’t succeed on talent alone, we had to have more spirit.

The Spirit Makes The Master Was Not A Hallow Principle

We moved to the campus when I was 5 years old. But, the whole place was new, still is today actually. It always seemed like there was a certain feeling on this campus that keeps it young and vibrant. The Spirit Makes The Master was made man in the form of E. A. Diddle, the iconic basketball coach of the Hilltoppers. His home was right behind the playground of the school, and we would often see him on the porch.  His personality was full of a great spirit, that seemed to be contageous.  A friendly man, but not one to mince words, and could get folks riled up like few others.

Today I See This Principle of The Spirit Makes The Master A Bit Differently

After many hours of reflection I discovered that no artist can be a master by his own design.  The masters of art are those who know how to allow the spirit speak through them, because, even the most talented and capable artist will tell you that in the end, it comes from nowhere, from the spirit, from opening your consciousness to the universe…God, if you will.

Regardless of whether it is a sport or an art, a participant with the spirit will always out perform those who think it is all through them. In order to access this spirit, you must move aside the ego and allow the spirit to guide you.



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