When You Walk Through A Storm….

…hold your head up high, and don't be afraid of the dark. At the end of the storm is a golden sky and the sweet silver sound of a lark. Walk on through the wind, walk on through the rain, though your dreams be tossed about, walk on, with hope in your heart and you'll never walk alone, you'll never walk alone!''

The words of this song by the legendary musical makers Rodgers and Hammerstein III from their musical 'Carousel' are some of the most encouraging words written. On of the great things about being a singer, is that you have loads of great texts swimming around in your head all of the time, linked with great music, which helps you remember it! A great byproduct of being a singer, I must say.

This is what I woke up thinking about this morning. Really! So, I had to write about it and share it with you. After all, it is Sunday. In Germany, there is a radio program entitled ''Das Wort zum Sonntag'' which has been aired for years to the point that the saying has become an common and widely used phrase. It means, ''The word to Sunday'' literally, but generically it is sort of like an oracle type phrase, ''The thoughts for this Sunday.'' 

Anyway, I decided yesterday that my ''Wort zum Sonntag'' would be my blog on Sunday, and this morning the title is this song. 

''You'll never walk alone''… why is that the goal of the song? I wondered. 

Well, for starters the goal is the reward for walking on with your head up high, with hope in your heart, no matter what.

So often, when life gets us down, when things are working against us it seems, or something awful has happened it is really easy to drop your head, to lose hope, to believe that there is no golden sky, no silver song of a lark at the end of the rainbow. Regardless of the problems, and if it is a problem for you it is a problem, the solution is not going to be going around acting like you have been defeated. 

The attitude of defeat, the attitude of no hope, or cynicism, or ye'olde ''Woe is me'' posture is going to lead you into seclusion and alone. And here is why…

The only way to get out of your problems is to help someone else out of theirs. You can't help someone out of their problems if all you are doing is being pitiful about your own. The best way to find encouragement for yourself, is to give encouragement to others. Then you realize that you do still have power within you. 

Did you ever have that feeling that doctors never get sick?  Of course it isn't true, but somehow, it seems like the caregivers are the strongest people you know. Friends of ours are nurses, and they are rock solid. Why is that?  I think it is because they help others all of the time and that gives them strength. 

Now, I'm not a nurse. I'm a singer, but, when I am singing I feel like I am helping others and one thing is for sure, you can't sing and be weak at heart. Getting up in front of people and opening your heart takes strength, but it gives you much more strength. Lifting people up through music is a wonderful thing, because it connects with people's souls. 

In fact, the old addage, ''The show must go on!'' is something that calls us from within to stand up and perform even when you don't feel like it, because someone is waiting to be lifted, and that is more important than your own troubles. Guess what, it helps you out too, because you aren't allowed to stay in the dumps, you have to hold your head up high and sing like the silver song of a lark. 

The result is, people come to you. You are not alone, not because you are having a hard time, but because you have your head lifted high and you have hope in your heart. 

I know this is a long post…hang in…

People ask me why I'm into the Empower Network, this home business network marketing sort of ''thing''. And really, it is because of what this post is about. 

Empowerment means that something bestows power, the ability to act, to someone in order for them to perform a service to others. Yes, the Empower Network is about bestowing power to people to go out and help others – help others, and that everyone can do that.

''But is just all about making money!'' some may say, thinking it is all just a ploy to get you to spend money. My answer to that is ''Well, yeah!'' 

When money gets involved, then things get sticky, don't they?

But, here is my reason for doing it and it goes back to the old phrase, ''You give a man a fish, he can eat for a day, you teach a man to fish and he can eat for life.'' 

In my book, ''Boredom to Brilliance'' I state that your gift, your special talent, that which makes you special, has been given to you as a gift, and that your gift is that which you can give to the world and in doing so reap the rewards of the world. Having the gift isn't going to get you the reward, giving it to the world will. 

Now, I wrote the book, not really knowing how someone can reap the rewards of the world, and I didn't want to be just another motivational book, speaker – author who blows a lot of smoke but has no REAL answer to the very BASIC problem of HOW TO MAKE MONEY, because there are enough gurus out there selling their programs, making money for themselves, but don't offer a REAL solution that works. 

The Empower Network can work for you, but you have to be willing to share it with others and not in the spirit of making money for yourself, but with the spirit of helping others make money, and on it goes. I heard the CEO of a network marketing company say once, ''You can't be selfish and be good at this.'' You have to share it with others in a spirit of giving. 

Another phrase that really hit home was, ''The only thing you can ever really give anyone is hope and inspiration.'' That is what it is all about, giving hope and inspiration to others, lifting them up and empowering them to do the same thing for others and with the products of the Empower Network you can do this with as many people as you are able to reach through the internet and personally. 

That is why I like the Empower Network, because it offers a real solution for the money problem to people who want to serve others and teaches you real world skills for today's market place how to do that. 

Take control of your life by empowering others. 

No matter what storm you are walking through, hold your head up high, don't be afraid of the dark, have hope in your heart and reach out in the service of others and you will never walk alone. That is the community of the Empower Network. 

That is my ''Wort zum Sonntag!'' Hope you like it! 

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